Environmental Data Visualization
Three tools in SOCRATES support the visualization of environmental data. These visualizations include time-series and depth profile groundwater data, subsurface geology, and waste site contaminant inventory data. These tools provide streamlined access to authoritative data, with plots that automatically document data sources, data inclusions and exclusions, and date of access. These features supply data provenance quality information that is needed to support technical decisions at environmental sites.
Although the visualization of groundwater data can be straightforward, it is often complicated by the existence of disparate data sources and data qualifiers describing the quality of the data. To streamline data visualization, and support environmental management, remedy decisions, and technical communication, CRATES (Charting, Reporting And TEmporal visualizationS) is a plotting tool primarily used for visualizing groundwater concentration data. CRATES provides streamlined, quality-assured data visualization, enabling the user to easily identify well locations for plotting user-specifed contaminants of concern, with export features for graphics and tabulated data.
Three-dimensional geological models represent the interpretation of rock and sediment structure in the subsurface, providing information that can support the management of groundwater remedies, water supply assessments, and subsurface storage. The ORIGEN (Online Retrieval Interface for GEologic INformation) module is a viewer that provides access to site geology, with features to create cross sections and access information on stratigraphic thicknesses, water table elevation, and well construction information.
Estimates of both chemical and radiological inventories from historical discharges are important for identifying risks of residual inventories of contaminants still present in the subsurface. Information associated with waste site inventories, such as liquid discharges and the depth of waste sites, is also important to both qualitatively and quantitatively establish site cleanup priorities. ARISTOTLE (Adaptive Risk Informed System To Obtain The Likely Endstate) provides geospatial visualization of waste site inventory data from multiple data sources to help assess risk and prioritize remedy actions across spatial scales. Release of ARISTOTLE is planned for the end of 2021.