Data Products
Data sets that enable research on human and Earth systems, their interactions, projections, and experiments
Interdisciplinary research at JGCRI entails the development of new data sets that combine information from multiple sources, with differing spatial, temporal and other attributes that need to be reconciled for a variety of projects. These data are needed for research on human and Earth systems, their interactions, and integrated modeling projections, as well as hind-cast experiments. Some specific data products and data-oriented projects are highlighted below. As future data products of general interest to the assessment and impacts communities are produced, these will be documented and deposited in appropriate data repositories, and published in open literature for community access and use.
Historical Emissions

The Community Emissions Data System (CEDS) project is developing a data-driven, open source framework that will produce annually updated historical emission estimates for anthropogenic aerosol and precursor compounds. These are key data needed for Earth system models, climate models, atmospheric chemistry and transport models, and integrated assessment models. The first historical data release will be for use in CMIP6. See the project web page for further information and how to receive further information.
Global Urbanization
Using a new cluster-based approach, urban extent from the defense meteorological satellite program/operational linescan system nighttime stable-light data was used to map urban extent map for the year 2000 at 1-km resolution.
Other companion data sets on urban heat, phenology, and buildings energy use are in development.
Global Carbon Fluxes Global Agricultural Production and Consumption
Global agricultural carbon fluxes associated with annual crop net primary production (NPP), harvested biomass, and consumption of biomass by humans and livestock were estimated and spatially distributed to 0.05° resolution using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellite land cover data. This data set is being updated to account for grasslands, fallow land and soil carbon fluxes.
Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Emission Scenarios
As part of an international, community modeling effort, the Shared Socioeconoimc Pathways (SSPs) have been used to develop a multi-model, multi-dimensional set of scenarios of future emissions, energy consumption, and land-use.