Doing Business
Shipping InstructionsDosimeters - Electronic and Passive; Instruments - w/o Limited Quantities Ship to: Dosimeters - for NVLAP Proficiency Testing only Ship to: For Government/DOE radioactive shipments to be delivered to Battelle buildings: Attn: Name/BRM# For non-Government/DOE radioactive shipments to be delivered to Battelle buildings: Attn: Name/318/BRM# Regular Correspondence: Attn: Name/MSIN P7-03 To obtain a BRM# or a copy of our Radioactive Material License call: (509) 371-7863 (NOTE: These addresses are Receiving Warehouses. Your package will be delivered to the warehouse by the shipper, then to us the next business day.) *Identifying NO PO # on the address label expedites delivery to the individual. Electronic Personnel Dosimeter ProjectSpecial Instructions Please contact us to determine if we have a compatible reader and software for use with your Electronic Personnel Dosimeters (EPD). If we do not, you will need to supply any necessary hardware, software, cables, manuals, and passwords. NOTE: Prior to shipping, all alarms should be turned off or set as high as possible. Please provide a battery compartment opener and 5 spare batteries. All will be returned upon completion. In order to avoid delays, we need to know the following information:
ContactsTechnical: R. Kim Piper Contracts/Invoices/Payments: Jamie Eder Kim Morrison Status of Current Work/Scheduling of Future Work: Roger A. Gregg Jamie Eder National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) Proficiency Testing: Correspondence R. Kim Piper Shipping Battelle for the US DOE - NO PO #* |