Don Hammerstrom
Don Hammerstrom
Don Hammerstrom has been a transactive energy innovator since 2004 and has explored electric power conversion technologies since 1994. He managed the GridWise Olympic Peninsula and Grid Friendly Appliance projects from 2004 through 2008 and was chief scientist of the Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration from 2010 through 2015. He has led the Valuation and Theory working groups within the PNNL Transactive Systems Program and has published extensively in these technical areas. Don is the architect of the Transactive Energy Network Template (TENT) metamodel that is the basis for connections between buildings of the PNNL Transactive Campus Project, helping expose these buildings to marginal prices from upstream campuses, municipalities, and wholesale electricity providers.
Don earned his MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Montana State University and earned undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics and Chemistry Education.