Van Rooyen Serves as Guest Editor for Materials Society Journal
PNNL Materials Scientist Leads JOM Special Section on Additive Manufacturing

Isabella van Rooyen
(Photo by Andrea Starr | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Senior Technical Advisor for Advanced Material Systems Isabella van Rooyen was selected as a guest editor for the JOM journal, a publication of The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS). Van Rooyen also serves as a member of the Additive Manufacturing Committee and Nuclear Materials Committees for the TMS.
The JOM’s November 2023 edition will cover the special topic, Additive Manufacturing (AM) for High Temperature Energy Systems: Harvesting Material Data and Modeling. AM techniques within the energy sectors need an accelerated pace for demonstration and full adoption to market in all energy sectors. The ability to make complex parts that open design opportunities, fabrication times, product quality, and process repeatability give them a distinct advantage in the energy industry, according to the call for manuscripts. Submissions to the special section are due May 1, 2023.
“I am excited to serve as the guest editor for this special topic because additive manufacturing and high temperature performance are two key ingredients needed for accelerated and sustainable deployment of generation IV reactor systems,” said van Rooyen. “More so, these two topic areas are part of my research portfolio, and it still amazes me how the opportunities that effect deployment of these technologies benefit our nuclear power reactor fleet and life quality of mankind.”
Van Rooyen brings many years of service to her role as a guest editor. At PNNL, she is developing and implementing new nuclear materials development and AM strategies. Her cross-cutting research spans advanced manufacturing processes, advanced material development, and advanced characterization techniques. She has initiated and led projects on the development of metal, ceramic, and matrix materials for high-temperature applications as well as various materials for nuclear fuels.
Van Rooyen is the United States representative on the International Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Taskforce for the Generation IV International Forum and the material development technical area lead for the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies program for the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy Enabling Technologies program.
“As guest editors, we hope to bring more information to the reactor stakeholders and tweak the interest of other materials engineers, to help us solve challenges to leapfrog progress and deployment,” she said.
Published: April 20, 2023