August 2, 2021
Staff Accomplishment

Marina Appointed to the Journal of the Electrochemical Society Editorial Board

Materials scientist Olga Marina joins as an associate editor

A white woman with shoulder length dark hair smiling at the camera. She's wearing a pinstripe blazer with a red shirt underneath.

Olga Marina's research focuses on the development of materials for advanced electrodes and interconnects used in solid oxide fuel cells.

(Composite image by Shannon Colson | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Olga Marina, a materials scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), has been appointed an associate editor of the Journal of the Electrochemical Society (JES). JES, the flagship journal of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), is one of the most highly cited journals in electrochemistry and solid-state science. Marina will supervise manuscripts about solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells for JES.

JES provides a global stage for discussing broad aspects of solid oxide technologies from the most fundamental research on materials, performance, and modeling to more applied research on electrochemical device efficiencies, durability, and design.

The ECS Publications Subcommittee unanimously selected Marina for this role following a global search. This appointment reflects the recognition of Marina’s expertise in and contributions to the field of solid oxide cells.

“I have enjoyed JES publications throughout my career, having published in and serving as a peer reviewer for JES,” said Marina. “Being part of the editorial process brings me a new level decision-making responsibility to maintain the journal’s high standards and provide meaningful feedback to authors.”

The ECS is a professional association that exists, according to its stated mission, “to advance theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects.” Founded in 1902, the ECS has held meetings and published peer-reviewed articles in several journals to enable the sharing of progress in electrochemical and solid-state science.

“This new role at JES will allow Olga to share her fuel cell expertise more broadly, to the benefit of the scientific community,” said Jamie Holladay, who manages PNNL’s hydrogen and fuel cells programs.

Marina joined PNNL in 1999. Her research focuses on the development of materials for advanced electrodes and interconnects used in solid oxide fuel cells. She also has made notable contributions to the scientific understanding of how materials degrade in electrochemical devices at high temperatures.