Distributed Wind

Enabling wind energy for on-site
and local power generation

Distributed Wind Project Database

The PNNL research team continually collects cost, incentive, generation, and customer data from turbine manufacturers, operations and maintenance providers, state and federal agencies, and other stakeholders for distributed wind projects installed in the United States. These data are critical for identifying trends and opportunities for growth, as well as prioritizing investments for both the Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office and industry stakeholders. Making this information available allows interested parties to better understand distributed wind market trends and characteristics. Additional information can be found on PNNL's distributed wind research webpage.

A selection of the characteristics tracked for each project in the dataset is displayed below. This table may be searched, filtered, or sorted to quickly identify projects based on their location, year online, project capacity, turbine capacity, turbine manufacturer & model, installer or developer, owner, or power purchaser. The visual table display also notes whether or not the wind turbines are integrated with other distributed energy resources as part of a hybrid project.

For a tutorial on how to use the database, please watch this demonstration video.

16 results found
Filters applied: Gamesa, Capstone, NTP Wind Power
Project Name Sort descending County State Year Online Project Capacity (kW) Turbine Nominal Capacity (kW) [Units] Turbine Manufacturer / Model Name Hybrid Type (Other DERs) Installer or Developer Owner / Power Purchaser
City of Winchester IN 2014 850.00 850.00 [1] Gamesa / G52 Performance Services City of Winchester /
Equity Industrial Partners Essex MA 2012 4,000.00 2,000.00 [2] Gamesa / G90 Equity Industrial Turbines, LLC Equity Industrial Turbines, LLC / City of Gloucester
F.E. Warren Air Force Base Laramie WY 2009 2,000.00 2,000.00 [1] Gamesa / G80 Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment / Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment
Future Generation Wind MA 2016 8,000.00 2,000.00 [4] Gamesa / G97 Con Edison Development / City of Plymouth
Gaines Cavern Wind Project Gaines TX 2012 2,000.00 2,000.00 [1] Gamesa / G97 Hybrid Power Plant (storage) Texas Dispatchable Wind 1, LLC Texas Dispatchable Wind 1, LLC / General Compression
Grand Valley State University MI 30.00 30.00 [1] Capstone /
Harbec Plastics Wayne NY 2012 850.00 850.00 [1] Gamesa / G58 Hybrid Power System (fossil, solar PV) Harvest the Wind Northern Developments, LLC / Harbec Plastics
Highland Community College Stephenson IL 2011 3.00 [1] NTP Wind Power / NTP Linear Pitch Highland Community College Highland Community College /
No Fossil Fuel - Kingston Plymouth MA 2012 6,000.00 2,000.00 [3] Gamesa / G90 No Fossil Fuel, LLC No Fossil Fuel, LLC / No Fossil Fuel, LLC
NREL Research Boulder CO 2011 2,000.00 2,000.00 [1] Gamesa / G97 NREL / Public Service Company of Colorado
Reese TX 2014 2,000.00 2,000.00 [1] Gamesa / G114-2.0 Gamesa Gamesa / Gamesa Energy USA Inc.
Stafford County Flour Mill Stafford KS 2015 850.00 850.00 [1] Gamesa / G58 BTI Energy Stafford County Flour Mill / Stafford
Swauk Valley Kittitas WA 2012 4,250.00 850.00 [5] Gamesa / G58 McKinstry McKinstry / Puget Sound Energy
University of Delaware Wind Facility Sussex DE 2010 2,000.00 2,000.00 [1] Gamesa / G90 Sustainable Energy Developments Inc. Gamesa (51%), University of Delaware (49%) / University of Delaware
Valley View Murray MN 2011 10,000.00 2,000.00 [5] Gamesa / G87 Juhl Energy Juhl Energy / Northern States Power Company
Zachary Ridge/LJ Wind Farm Osceola IA 2003 3,600.00 1,800.00 [2] Gamesa / G87 Navitas Energy Northern Alternative Energy (NAE) / Interstate Power & Light Company


In addition to the fields shown in the visual display table, the full dataset includes (as applicable and when available) each project’s interconnection type, customer type, tower type and height, annual energy generation value(s), incentive payment(s), estimated installed cost, U.S. Energy Information Administration plant identification number, U.S. Wind Turbine Database case identification number, and other characteristics.

To download the full dataset as an Excel spreadsheet, you must register a name and validated email address.

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Please note that the dataset is not complete or perfect and we welcome your input. There may be duplicate entries and there are many incomplete entries. If you have information to share that would improve this dataset, including new or missing projects, or additional information on existing projects, please contact PNNL with this email link.

Rural Electric Cooperatives

Thank you to our collaboration partner, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association's RADWIND Project team, for their instrumental role in and funding for the development of this dataset display. The full, downloadable dataset includes the owner, interconnecting utility, and power purchaser for each project (as applicable and when available). This will allow cooperatives to identify distributed wind projects in cooperative territories and whether the projects are cooperative-owned, consumer-member owned, or if the energy is purchased by a cooperative.