February 15, 2024
Journal Article

Women in Nuclear Power Programs: Case Studies from Africa


This paper first analyzes existing international, regional, and national efforts on gender equality in nuclear security and illustrates how these efforts can be integrated into a country’s preparations for a nuclear power program. The paper will hone into case studies from Eastern Africa, analyzing current programs and plans in two nuclear newcomer countries in the region: Kenya and Uganda. Finally, the ultimate purpose of the paper will be to present recommendations, suggestions, and potential solutions to address gender equality in nuclear security throughout the three milestones and to build equality in human resource development to achieve a robust nuclear security infrastructure for a nuclear power program.

Published: February 15, 2024


Burniske J., C. Chauvet-Maldonado, B. Kaboro, M. Man, and S. Nalumansi. 2023. Women in Nuclear Power Programs: Case Studies from Africa. International Journal on Nuclear Security 8, no. 2:Art. No. 16. PNNL-SA-183065. doi:10.7290/ijns

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