January 26, 2023
Journal Article

Triply-Resonant Sum Frequency Conversion with Gallium Phosphide Ring Resonators


We demonstrate quasi-phase matched, triply-resonant sum frequency conversion in 10.6-µm-diameter integrated gallium phosphide ring resonators. A small-signal, waveguide-towaveguide power conversion efficiency of 8%/mW is measured for conversion from telecom (1536 nm) and near infrared (1117 nm) to visible (647 nm) wavelengths with an absolute power conversion efficiency of 6.3% measured at saturation pump power. For the complementary difference frequency generation process, a single photon conversion efficiency of 7.2%/mW from visible to telecom is projected for resonators with optimized coupling. Efficient conversion from visible to telecom will facilitate long-distance transmission of spin-entangled photons from solid-state emitters such as the diamond NV center, allowing long-distance entanglement for quantum networks.

Published: January 26, 2023


Logan A.D., S. Shree, S. Chakravarthi, N. Yama, C. Pederson, K. Hestroffer, and F. Hatami, et al. 2023. Triply-Resonant Sum Frequency Conversion with Gallium Phosphide Ring Resonators. Optics Express 31, no. 2:Art. No. 1516. PNNL-SA-176763. doi:10.1364/OE.473211