January 24, 2018

Transactive System: Part II: Analysis of Two Pilot Transactive Systems using Foundational Theory and Metrics


This document is the second of a two-part report. Part 1 reviewed several demonstrations of transactive control and compared them in terms of their payoff functions, control decisions, information privacy, and mathematical solution concepts. It was suggested in Part 1 that these four listed components should be adopted for meaningful comparison and design of future transactive systems. Part 2 proposes qualitative and quantitative metrics that will be needed to compare alternative transactive systems. It then uses the analysis and design principles from Part 1 while conducting more in-depth analysis of two transactive demonstrations: the American Electric Power (AEP) gridSMART Demonstration, which used a double –auction market mechanism, and a consensus method like that used in the Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration. Ultimately, metrics must be devised and used to meaningfully compare alternative transactive systems. One significant contribution of this report is an observation that the decision function used for thermostat control in the AEP gridSMART Demonstration has superior performance if its decision function is recast to more accurately reflect the power that will be used under for thermostatic control under alternative market outcomes.

Revised: August 27, 2020 | Published: January 24, 2018


Lian J., Y. Sun, K. Kalsi, S.E. Widergren, H. Ren, and D. Wu. 2018. Transactive System: Part II: Analysis of Two Pilot Transactive Systems using Foundational Theory and Metrics Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. doi:10.2172/1422303.