February 15, 2024

Transactive Campus Energy Systems: An R&D Testbed for Renewalables Integration, Efficiency, and Grid Services - CRADA 356 (Abstract)


The Project Team (PNNL, WSU, and UW), in cooperation with Washington State technology partner Alstom Grid, is proposing to connect the PNNL, UW, and WSU campuses to form a multi-campus testbed for transactive energy management solutions. Building on the foundational transactive energy management system established by the Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration (PNWSGD), it is proposing to construct and operate the testbed as both a regional flexibility resource and as a platform for R&D for buildings/grid integration. The testbed will support the integration of renewables and other regional needs, using the flexibility provided by loads, energy storage, and smart inverters for batteries and photovoltaic (PV) solar systems, at four physical scales: multi-campus, campus, microgrid, and building. The needs of the region will be served by the resource represented by the aggregate of the three campuses, while that of the local utility is served by the campus it supplies. The multi-campus testbed forms an R&D platform for how: 1) campus resources can be aggregated and operated to balance fluctuations in the region’s renewable generation 2) each campus can be utilized to support the needs of the serving utility by helping it manage its peak loads. Each campus testbed will further be specialized as a platform upon which additional R&D will be conducted to advance the state of knowledge in three key areas of critical interest to the project’s DOE sponsors: • PNNL – transactive energy management systems for campuses and buildings • UW – smart campus and building information systems that provide energy efficiency benefits and support the integration of PV system with distribution • WSU – operation of campus-scale microgrids to provide services to the bulk grid and their extension to form smart cities. *[The continued abstract is attached in the documents below. Due to system limitations, the complete abstract for this publication was not able to be entered in totality.]*

Published: February 15, 2024

Research topics