November 17, 2015
Conference Paper

Towards an Application-Specific Thermal Energy Model of Current Processors


Recent developments of high-end processors recognize temperature monitoring and tuning as one of the main challenges towards achieving higher performance given the growing power and temperature constraints. To address this challenge, one needs both suitable thermal energy abstraction and corresponding instrumentation. Our model is based on application-specific parameters such as power consumption, execution time, and asymptotic temperature as well as hardware-specific parameters such as half time for thermal rise or fall. As observed with our out-of-band instrumentation and monitoring infrastructure, the temperature changes follow a relatively slow capacitor-style charge-discharge process. Therefore, we use the lumped thermal model that initiates an exponential process whenever there is a change in processor’s power consumption. Initial experiments with two codes – Firestarter and Nekbone – validate our application-specific thermal model and demonstrate its use for analyzing and potentially improving the balance between temperature, power, and performance.

Revised: June 14, 2019 | Published: November 17, 2015


Getov V.S., D.J. Kerbyson, M.C. Macduff, and A. Hoisie. 2015. Towards an Application-Specific Thermal Energy Model of Current Processors. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Energy Efficient Supercomputing (E2SC 2015), November 15, 2015, Austin, TX, Article No. 5. New York, New York:ACM. PNNL-SA-114198. doi:10.1145/2834800.2834805