May 31, 2018
Journal Article

Thermal Conductivity of Fresh and Irradiated U-Mo Fuels


The thermal conductivity of fresh and irradiated U-Mo dispersion and monolithic fuel has been investigated experimentally and compared to theoretical models. During in-pile irradiation, the thermal conductivity of fresh dispersion fuel at a temperature of 150°C decreases from 59 W/m·K down to 18 W/m·K at a burn-up of 4.9·1021 f/cc and further down to 9 W/m·K at a burn-up of 6.1·1021 f/cc. Fresh monolithic fuel has a considerably lower thermal conductivity of 15 W/m·K at a temperature of 150°C and consequently its decrease during in-pile irradiation is less steep as for the dispersion fuel. For a burn-up of 3.5·1021 f /cc of monolithic fuel 11 W/m·K at a temperature of 150°C has been measured by Burkes et al. The difference of the decrease of both fuels originates from effects in the matrix that occur during irradiation, like for dispersion fuel the gradual disappearance of the Al matrix with increasing burn-up and the subsequent growth of an interaction layer (IDL) between the U-Mo fuel particle and Al matrix and subsequent matrix hardening. The growth of fission gas bubbles and the decomposition of the U-Mo crystal lattice affects both dispersion and monolithic fuel.

Revised: June 15, 2018 | Published: May 31, 2018


Huber T.K., H. Breitkreutz, D. Burkes, A.J. Casella, A.M. Casella, S. Elgeti, and C. Reiter, et al. 2018. Thermal Conductivity of Fresh and Irradiated U-Mo Fuels. Journal of Nuclear Materials 503. PNNL-SA-125747. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.01.056