November 10, 2005
Journal Article

SVM-BALSA: Remote Homology Detection based on Bayesian Sequence Alignment


Using biopolymer sequence comparison methods to identify evolutionarily related proteins is one of the most common tasks in bioinformatics. Recently, support vector machines (SVMs) utilizing statistical learning theory have been employed in the problem of remote homology detection and shown to outperform iterative profile methods such as PSI-BLAST. In this study we demonstrate the utilization of a Bayesian alignment score, which accounts for the uncertainty of all possible alignments, in the SVM construction improves sensitivity compared to the traditional dynamic programming implementation.

Revised: May 19, 2011 | Published: November 10, 2005


Webb-Robertson B.M., C.S. Oehmen, and M.M. Matzke. 2005. SVM-BALSA: Remote Homology Detection based on Bayesian Sequence Alignment. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29, no. 6:440-3. PNNL-SA-45823.