May 20, 2021
Journal Article

Surface Functionalization of Black Phosphorus with Nitrenes: Identification of P=N Bonds Using Isotopic Labeling


Abstract: Surface functionalization of two-dimensional crystals is a key path to tuning their intrinsic physical and chemical properties. However, synthetic protocols and experimental strategies to directly probe chemical bonding in modified surfaces are scarce. Introduced here is a mild, surface-specific protocol for the surface functionalization of few-layer black phosphorus nanosheets using a family of photolytically generated nitrenes (RN) from the corresponding azides. By embedding spectroscopic tags in the organic backbone, a multitude of characterization techniques are employed to investigate in detail the chemical structure of the modified nanosheets, including vibrational (infrared, Raman), Xray (emission, photoelectron), CPMAS NMR, and UV-vis spectroscopy. To directly probe the functional groups introduced on the surface, R fragments were selected such that in conjunction with vibrational spectroscopy, 15N-labeling experiments, and DFT methods, diagnostic P=N vibrational modes indicative of iminophosphorane units on the nanosheet surface could be conclusively identified.

Published: May 20, 2021


Walz K., C.H. Chang, M.P. Hanrahan, J. Yang, D. Tofan, W. Holden, and N. Govind, et al. 2021. Surface Functionalization of Black Phosphorus with Nitrenes: Identification of P=N Bonds Using Isotopic Labeling. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60, no. 16:9127-9134. PNNL-SA-156794. doi:10.1002/anie.202016033