February 24, 2023
Journal Article

Solution structure and hydration forces between mica and hydrophilic versus hydrophobic surfaces


Solid-liquid interfaces are central to a range of interesting phenomena including catalysis, heterogeneous nucleation, water desalination, and biomolecular assembly. While three-dimensional Fast Force Mapping (3D FFM) has emerged as a technique for resolving interfacial solution structure at the molecular scale, key challenges for data interpretation persist, most notably regarding the influence of the probe on the measured structure. Using the mica-water system as a case study, we investigate the effect of hydrophilic and hydrophobic probes on interfacial solution structure measured by 3D FFM. Data from hydrophilic silicon-based probes are in good agreement with molecular dynamics simulations, wherein the innermost water molecules adsorb preferentially at the surface ditrigonal cavity sites followed by two subsequent hydration layers. In contrast, the hydrophobic carbon-based probes detect vertical oscillatory features, but do not show lateral patterning that matches the underlying mica lattice. At high ionic strength, up to six of these oscillatory features are observed extending 2 nm into the solution phase with an average spacing of 0.29 ± (0.04) nm. We also determine that the repulsive hydration force between mica and the hydrophilic probe depends on the nature and concentration of ions in solution. Specifically, solutions with stronger ion-water and ion-ion interactions increase the interfacial viscosity, which results in a stronger repulsive hydration force as the probe approaches the surface. Based on these observations, we present a scheme for controlling the outcomes of particle attachment and aggregation by varying the solution conditions to tune the hydration force.

Published: February 24, 2023


Nakouzi E., S.N. Kerisit, B.A. Legg, S.B. Yadav, D. Li, A.G. Stack, and C.J. Mundy, et al. 2023. Solution structure and hydration forces between mica and hydrophilic versus hydrophobic surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127, no. 5:2741–2752. PNNL-SA-179604. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c09120