January 20, 2022

Software-defined Networking for Energy Delivery Systems (SDN4EDS): An Architectural Blueprint – Final Report


This is the initial version of a reference for suppliers and energy companies of all sizes to deploy networks based on software-defined networking technology (SDN) to improve reliability, reduce cyber security attack surface, and facilitate mitigation of adversarial behavior. It is a living document and will progress over the life cycle of the Software-Defined Networking for Energy Delivery Systems (SDN4EDS) project. Version 2 of this report provides information on the rRed Tteam tabletop assessment performed against the initial reference architecture. Version 3 of this report updates the reference architecture with lessons learned from the Red Team tabletop assessment, as well as provides additional details for the use cases. It also provides information on the decision process that could be used by an organization when considering deploying SDN in their environment. The final version of this report consolidates all the interim reports generated by the project into a final report. It also draws from PNNL’s experience in deploying SDN to make recommendations on how SDN could be deployed in a utility environment, and provides rationale for those decisions allowing individual utilities to make risk-based and knowledge-based decisions on how to best deploy SDN in their own environment

Published: January 20, 2022


Mix S.R., M.D. Hadley, S.V. Singh, C.E. Eyre, L.H. Chang, S. Tollbom, and C.A. Bonebrake, et al. 2021. Software-defined Networking for Energy Delivery Systems (SDN4EDS): An Architectural Blueprint – Final Report Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.