April 7, 2019
Journal Article

In situ Characterization of Kinetics and Mass Transport of PbSe Nanowire Growth via LS and VLS Mechanisms


As a versatile approach, the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism is widely used to grow nanowires. However, the details of the mass transit and mechanism of compound nanowire growth have been limited because of the complex growth process. In this study, we grew binary PbSe nanowires using an in situ gas-heating cell and elucidated two different growth mechanisms and mass transit pathways of different growth species, as well as their controlling factors, using in situ high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and composition analysis. Initial high supersaturation led to poly-nucleation and fast PbSe crystal growth through bulk diffusion of Pb and Se growth species from liquid to solid—a liquid-solid (LS) mechanism. In situ composition analysis showed that Pb dissolved in liquid catalyst at miscible atomic percentages as a precursor during growth. Se precursor was depleted after initial growth and was supplied from the vapor phase, leading to subsequently relatively slow VLS controlled mono-nuclear growth. We revealed the correlation between the nucleation mechanisms and the growth kinetics using a generalized Avrami model. Our study highlighted the key correlations among supersaturation, nucleation, mass transit, and growth kinetics, thereby enabling morphological and compositional control of nanowires.

Revised: April 21, 2020 | Published: April 7, 2019


Song M., J. Lee, B. Wang, B.A. Legg, S. Hu, J. Chun, and D. Li. 2019. In situ Characterization of Kinetics and Mass Transport of PbSe Nanowire Growth via LS and VLS Mechanisms. Nanoscale 11, no. 13:5874-5878. PNNL-SA-135948. doi:10.1039/C9NR01200A