January 28, 2022
Journal Article

Search for Invisible Axion Dark Matter in the 3.3–4.2 µeV Mass Range


We report the results from a haloscope search for axion dark matter in the 3.3–4.2 µeV mass range. This search excludes the axion-photon coupling predicted by one of the benchmark models of “invisible” axion dark matter, the KSVZ model. This sensitivity is achieved using a large-volume cavity, a superconducting magnet, ultra low noise quantum amplifiers, and sub-Kelvin temperatures. The validity of our detection procedure is ensured by injecting and detecting blind synthetic axion signals.

Published: January 28, 2022


Bartram C., T. Braine, E. Burns, R. Cervantes, N. Crisosto, N. Du, and H. Korandla, et al. 2021. Search for Invisible Axion Dark Matter in the 3.3–4.2 µeV Mass Range. Physical Review Letters 127, no. 26:Art. No. 261803. PNNL-SA-168945. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.261803

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