December 11, 2024
Journal Article

Round-robin analysis of highly depleted lithium for Generation IV nuclear reactor applications


Lithium reference materials containing unnaturally high abundances of Li-7 are not currently available, which poses quality control problems for high depleted lithium materials required for Generation IV nuclear reactors. This study presents an interlaboratory comparison of a lithium carbonate (NIST SRM924a) containing nominally natural isotopic abundances (~92.4 % Li-7) and a highly depleted lithium hydroxide material (~99.95 % Li-7). The natural lithium isotope abundances of NIST SRM924a are confirmed, and the 6Li/7Li ratio of the lithium hydroxide ranged from 0.000399 to 0.000436 with an average of 0.000428 ± 0.000023. Going forward this material can be used as quality control for analytical work involving highly depleted lithium.

Published: December 11, 2024


Scott S.R., J. Williams, S. Mastromarino, N.A. Gajos, C.K. Berry, I.R. Anderson, and S.D. Shen, et al. 2024. Round-robin analysis of highly depleted lithium for Generation IV nuclear reactor applications. Nuclear Engineering and Design 429, no. _:Art. No. 113664. PNNL-SA-197586. doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2024.113664