January 19, 2001

Results of Detailed Hydrologic Characterization Tests - Fiscal Year 1999


This report provides the results of detailed hydrologic characterization tests conducted within newly constructed Hanford Site wells during FY 1999. Detailed characterization tests performed during FY 1999 included: groundwater flow characterization, barometric response evaluation, slug tests, single-well tracer tests, constant-rate pumping tests, and in-well vertical flow tests. Hydraulic property estimates obtained from the detailed hydrologic tests include: transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, specific yield, effective porosity, in-well lateral flow velocity, aquifer flow velocity, vertical distribution of hydraulic conductivity (within the well-screen section) and in-well vertical flow velocity. In addition, local groundwater flow characteristics (i.e., hydraulic gradient and flow direction) were determined for four sites where detailed well testing was performed.

Revised: September 30, 2009 | Published: January 19, 2001


Spane F.A., P.D. Thorne, and D.R. Newcomer. 2001. Results of Detailed Hydrologic Characterization Tests - Fiscal Year 1999 Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.