Automated analysis methods are crucial aids for monitoring and defending a network to protect the sensitive or confidential data it hosts.
This work introduces a flexible, powerful, and unsupervised approach to detecting anomalous behavior in computer and network logs;
one that largely eliminates domain-dependent feature engineering employed by existing methods.
By treating system logs as threads of interleaved ``sentences'' (event log lines) to train online unsupervised neural network language models, our approach provides an adaptive model of normal network behavior.
We compare the effectiveness of both standard and bidirectional recurrent neural network language models at detecting malicious activity within network log data.
Extending these models, we introduce a tiered recurrent architecture, which provides context by modeling sequences of users' actions over time.
Compared to isolation forests and Principal Components Analysis (PCA), two popular anomaly detection algorithms, we observe superior performance on the Los Alamos National Laboratory Cyber Security dataset.
For log-line-level predictions, our best performing character-based model provides test set anomaly scores ranking red team events in the 98th percentile on average, and yields 0.97 area under the receiver operator characteristic curve, demonstrating the strong fine-grained anomaly detection performance of this approach on open vocabulary logging sources.
Revised: June 26, 2019 |
Published: February 1, 2018
Tuor A.R., R. Baerwolf, N. Knowles, B.J. Hutchinson, N.M. Nichols, and R.J. Jasper. 2018.Recurrent Neural Network Language Models for Open Vocabulary Event-Level Cyber Anomaly Detection. In Proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop for Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security (AICS 2018), February 2-7, 2018, New Orleans, LA, Paper No. arXiv:1712.00557. Palo Alto, California:Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.PNNL-SA-130482.