February 17, 2023
Conference Paper
QuYBE - An Algebraic Compiler for Quantum Circuit Compression
QuYBE is an open-source algebraic compiler for the compression of quantum circuits. It has been applied for the efficient simulation of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian on quantum computers. Currently, it can simulate the time dynamics of one-dimensional chains. It includes modules to generate the quantum circuits for the above as well as produce the compressed circuits, which are independent of the time step. It utilizes the Yang-Baxter equation (YBE) to perform the compression. QuYBE enables users to seamlessly design, execute, and analyze the time dynamics of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian on quantum computers. QuYBE is the first step toward making the YBE technique available to a broader community of scientists from multiple domains. The QuYBE compiler is available at https://github.com/ZichangHe/QuYBE.Published: February 17, 2023