September 22, 2022
Conference Paper

QuGAN: A Quantum State Fidelity based Generative Adversarial Network


In the recent years, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been arguably one of the largest strides forward in Deep Learning. Many papers illustrate the use of GANs to accomplish extremely impressive goals, such as text-to-image or image augmentation. Specifically, GANs have seen this success in the computer vision domain. However, GANs are not without their own set of problems. GANs are computationally expensive, sometimes computationally prohibitive, and can suffer a multitude of convergence problems. As research on classical GANs continues to push the topic further, a branch of GANs, namely Quantum GANs, has seen research interest in the past years. In this work, we intend to push this research further with an illustration of a Quantum GAN architecture that provide stable convergence of the model and is extended onto real data sets. Furthermore, unlike many other Quantum GANs out there, our model's GAN architecture runs the discriminator and the generator primarily on Quantum hardware through the use of a Quantum-based similarity metric. When compared to the very few other Quantum GAN papers, our architecture leads to significantly better results in almost all aspects.

Published: September 22, 2022


Stein S.A., B. Baheri, D. Chen, Y. Mao, Q. Guan, A. Li, and B. Fang, et al. 2021. QuGAN: A Quantum State Fidelity based Generative Adversarial Network. In IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE 2021), October 17-22, 2021, Broomfield, CO,, edited by H.A. Müller, et al, 71-81. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-156090. doi:10.1109/QCE52317.2021.00023