March 21, 2019
Journal Article

Properties of perhalogenated {closo-B10} and {closo-B11} multiply charged anions and a critical comparison with {closo-B12} in the gas and the condensed phase


Anionic closo-borate anions [closo-BnXn]2- are part of the most famous textbook examples of polyhedral compounds. Substantial differences in their reactivity and interactions with other compounds depending on the substituent X and clustersize n have been recognized, which favors specific closo-borates for different applications in cancer treatment, chemical synthesis, and materials science. Surprisingly, a fundamental understanding of the molecular properties underlying these differences is lacking. Here, we report our study of electronic structure and reactivity of closo-borate anions [closo-BnXn]2- (X = Cl, Br, I, n = 10, 11, 12 in all combinations). We investigated the free dianions and the ion pairs [nBu4N]+[closo-BnXn]2- by gas phase anion photoelectron spectroscopy accompanied by theoretical investigations. Strong similarities in electronic structure for n = 10 and 11 were observed, while n = 12 clusters are different. A systematic picture of the development in electronic stability along the dimension X is derived. Collision induced dissociation shows that fragmentation of the free dianions is mainly dependent on the substituent X and gives access to a large variety of boron-rich molecular ions. Fragmentation of the ion pair depends strongly on n. The results reflect the high chemical stability of cluster with n = 10 and 12, while those with n = 11 are much easier prone to dissociation. We bridge our study to the condensed phase by performing comparative electrochemistry and reactivity studies on closo-borates in solution. The trends found at the molecular level are also reflected in the condensed-phase properties. We discuss how the gas phase values allow to evaluate the influence of the condensed phase on the electronic stability of closo-borates. A novel synthetic method via an oxidation/chlorination reaction yielding [closo-B10Cl10]2– from highly chlorinated {closo-B11} clusters is introduced, which underlines the intrinsically high reactivity of the {closo-B11} cage.

Revised: February 4, 2021 | Published: March 21, 2019


Warneke J., S.Z. Konieczka, G. Hou, E. Apra, C. Kerpen, F. Keppner, and T.C. Schaefer, et al. 2019. Properties of perhalogenated {closo-B10} and {closo-B11} multiply charged anions and a critical comparison with {closo-B12} in the gas and the condensed phase. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, no. 11:5903-5915. PNNL-SA-135487. doi:10.1039/C8CP05313H