December 8, 1999
Journal Article

Preparation and Characterization of Nonpolar Flourinated Carbosilane Denrimers by ApcI Mass Spectrometry and Small Angle X-ray Scattering


The following highly flourinated nonploar dendrimers were obtained in high yields from multiple hydrosilylation reactions between core hydride terminated carbosilane dendrimers and ally1,1- dihydrotrifluoroethyl ether or ally1-1,1-dihydroheptadecafluorononyl ether through divergent synthetic routes: Si[CH2CH2SiMe2(CH2CH2CH2OCH2CF3)]4 (7), Si{CH2CH2SiMe[CH2Ch2SiMe(CH2Ch2CH2OCH2CF3)2]2}4 (8), Si[CH2CH2Si(CH2CH2CH2OCH2C8F17)3]4 (9), Si[CH2CH2SiMe2(CH2CH2CH2OCH2C8F17)]4 (10) and Si{CH2CH2Si[CH2CH2Si(CH2CH2CH2OCH2C8F17)3]3}4 (11). These compounds were characterized by elemental and spectroscopic analyses. Valuable mass spectral data were obtained by using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APcI). The fluorinated dendrimer molecule and the nonfluorinated core scatter x-ray light differently, and present unique slopes on the Guinier Plot of data from small-angle x-ray light scattering (SAXS) in hexafluorobenzene. Glass transition temperatures (T8) and thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) of the dendrimers were determined.

Revised: December 29, 1999 | Published: December 8, 1999


Omotowa B.A., K.D. Keefer, R.L. Kirchmeier, and J.M. Shreeve. 1999. Preparation and Characterization of Nonpolar Flourinated Carbosilane Denrimers by ApcI Mass Spectrometry and Small Angle X-ray Scattering. Journal of the American Chemical Society 121, no. 48:11130-11138. PNNL-SA-31553.