September 21, 2022
Journal Article

Preface for the Special Topic Collection Honoring Dr. Scott Chambers’ 70th Birthday and His Leadership in the Science and Technology of Oxide Thin Films


It is an honor to dedicate this special issue to Dr. Scott A. Chambers, who has had a rewarding and impactful career in surface science, spectroscopy, and thin film synthesis. His research career, spanning from his graduate work in the 1970’s to the present day, was built upon pioneering early work in precision thin film synthesis and spectroscopic characterization that occurred beginning in the 1960’s. Notably, this includes the contributions of both Art Gossard to precision film synthesis by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and Chuck Fadley to photoelectron spectroscopy; both Art and Chuck were recently honored with JVSTA commemorative issues of their own (Ref. [{Zide, 2021 #683}] and Ref. [{Herman, 2022 #684}], respectively.) Yet Scott is no mere copycat; he extended and expanded their contributions to further advance the field of surface science, and he applied the same scientific rigor to the emerging field of precision epitaxial oxide synthesis. This rigor was perhaps not always appreciated by the more “enthusiastic” members of the community who tended to draw exciting conclusions from limited data. He was once referred to, fondly, by a collaborator as a “spoilsport” for his penchant for using careful, defensible synthesis and characterization to prove that popular models and assumptions of the day did not stand up to scrutiny.

Published: September 21, 2022


Kaspar T.C., Y. Du, M.H. Engelhard, D.R. Baer, B. Jalan, and J. Ngai. 2022. Preface for the Special Topic Collection Honoring Dr. Scott Chambers’ 70th Birthday and His Leadership in the Science and Technology of Oxide Thin Films. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: International Journal Devoted to Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 40, no. 4:Art. No. 41602. PNNL-SA-172072. doi:10.1116/6.0001942

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