November 16, 2018
Journal Article

Predictability of Extreme Precipitation in Western U.S. Watersheds Based on Atmospheric River Occurrence, Intensity, and Duration


We quantified the relationship between atmospheric rivers (ARs) and occurrence and magnitude of extreme precipitation in western U.S. watersheds, using AR tracking results of Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project and precipitation from a high-resolution regional climate simulation. Our analysis indicates that ARs have the potential of predicting extreme precipitation events at daily scale, with Gilbert Skill Score of ~0.2, and monthly extreme precipitation amount in the west coast watershed is closely related to AR intensity, with correlation coefficients of up to 0.6. The relationship between ARs and precipitation is most significant in the Pacific Northwest and California. Using K-means clustering algorithm, AR events can be classified into three categories with distinct features: weak ARs, flash ARs, and prolonged ARs. Flash ARs and prolonged ARs, though accounting for less than 50% of total AR events, are more important in controlling regional extreme precipitation patterns, and should be prioritized for future studies of hydrological extreme events.

Revised: September 30, 2020 | Published: November 16, 2018


Chen X., L. Leung, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, M.S. Wigmosta, and M.C. Richmond. 2018. Predictability of Extreme Precipitation in Western U.S. Watersheds Based on Atmospheric River Occurrence, Intensity, and Duration. Geophysical Research Letters 45, no. 21:11693-11701. PNNL-SA-136740. doi:10.1029/2018GL079831