PNNL Announces Hydrothermal Liquefaction Innovation
Breakthrough technology promises increased reliability for biomass-to-oil conversion

The novel heat recovery component of the hydrothermal liquefaction system (HTL), shown in this 3-D drawing, has the potential to enable HTL deployment.
(Image: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) researchers have developed a hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) system that boosts the reliability and commercial viability of the promising technology, which converts wet wastes into crude-like oil. The technology is now available for licensing, and PNNL is seeking collaboration and commercialization opportunities with commercial entities.
This PNNL innovation uses steam to recover heat from the high-temperature reactor effluent in the HTL process, substantially reducing the propensity for fouling and potentially reducing costs. By maximizing heat recovery using steam while eliminating the numerous heat-transfer surfaces associated with conventional heat-transfer equipment, this system offers an effective solution for HTL robustness and reliability.
"The elimination of heat exchangers in the first stage of sludge heating is transformative for the HTL process," said Michael Thorson, a PNNL chemical engineer who led the development of the technology. "Our invention has the potential to significantly reduce the risk of fouling, decrease maintenance requirements, and improve overall process reliability. This could result in a high-performing, cost-effective system essential for making HTL commercially competitive."
This new method improves the HTL process, making it more commercially viable and environmentally friendly. The innovation, called Flashing for Low-fouling, Steam-based Heat recovery in Hydrothermal Liquefaction (FLASH-HTL), is now available for commercial licensing.
Thorson said researchers hope the development will add to the array of sustainable energy solutions, many of which are under development at PNNL.
Flash steam is the key to the invention. Flash steam is low-pressure steam created when hot water is released from a high pressure to a lower pressure within a steam system. For example, it can be released through a steam trap or from boiler blowdown. Specifically for HTL and this invention, a valve reduces pressure in the reactor effluent, creating a flash steam that heats the reactor feed stream. By conducting the pressure letdown in multiple stages, this method maximizes heat recovery while avoiding the need for traditional heat exchangers.
This work was supported by the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office.
PNNL is requesting information from parties that are interested in licensing and/or sponsoring research using private, non-federal funds. Responses to this request for information will be used to consider deployment opportunities via one or more license agreements and/or sponsored research projects.
Interested parties must submit an expression of interest and a commercialization plan on, or before, Jan 31, 2024. Confidential information may be exchanged under a separately negotiated NDA.
Commercialization plans should at least address the following:
Entity information (preference given for US small businesses)
- Size
- Location -
Plans to meet US competitiveness and manufacturing requirements
Plans, if any, to address Justice 40 Initiative goals
Description of large-scale project execution experience and expertise, particularly for chemical facilities operating at high-pressure, high-temperature conditions
Description of engineering design expertise and capability
Description of project execution expertise and capability
Description of facility operation expertise and capability
Demonstration of the ability to fund major projects
Planned timeline with major milestones and estimated completion dates
Partnerships and teaming arrangements
- Engineering firms
- Equipment suppliers
- Feedstock suppliers
- Capital investors
- Offtake agreements
PNNL may pursue a research agreement with one or more responsive entities, may enter negotiations for up to exclusive license rights, or may not execute any agreement at all. Responses to this notice and request should be directed to and must include “Notice RE: Battelle IPID 32588-E” in the subject line.
Published: March 31, 2023