October 10, 2023
Journal Article

Pillars of cloud-based Earth observation science education


Earth observation (EO) is undergoing a paradigm shift with the development of cloud-based analytical platforms supporting EO data collection and access, parallel processing, easier communication of results, and expanded accessibility. As the global community of users and the diversity of applications grow, there is a clear need for expanded educational capacity to leverage these developments and increase the impact of EO research and teaching. Drawing upon extensive conversations between educators, practitioners, and researchers, we propose three pillars that must be prioritized to prepare students, researchers, and professionals to take full advantage of the cloud-based EO paradigm and guide future growth.

Published: October 10, 2023


Crowley M.A., M. Stuhlmacher, E.D. Trochim, J. Van Den Hoek, V.J. Pasquarella, S.H. Szeto, and J.T. Howarth, et al. 2023. Pillars of cloud-based Earth observation science education. AGU Advances 4, no. 4:Art. No. e2023AV000894. PNNL-SA-187332. doi:10.1029/2023AV000894

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