We develop physics-constrained and control-oriented predictive deep learning models for the thermal dynamics of a real-world commercial office building.
The proposed method is based on the systematic encoding of physics-based prior knowledge into a structured recurrent neural architecture. Specifically, our model mimics the structure of the building thermal dynamics model and leverages penalty methods to model inequality constraints. Additionally, we use constrained matrix parameterization based on the Perron-Frobenius theorem to bound the eigenvalues of the learned network weights. We interpret the stable eigenvalues as dissipativeness of the learned building thermal model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on a dataset obtained from an office building with $20$ thermal zones.
Published: July 15, 2021
Drgona J., A.R. Tuor, V. Chandan, and D.L. Vrabie. 2020.Physics-constrained Deep Recurrent Neural Models of Building Thermal Dynamics. In Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Workshop Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, December 11, 2020, Virtual. San Diego, California:Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, Inc.PNNL-SA-156966.