July 26, 2024
Percheron Power Archimedes Screw Turbine Analysis - CRADA 364 (Abstract)
The development of the Percheron Power (Percheron) composite Archimedes screw turbine (AST) is based upon employing newly developed theoretical mathematical models for optimizing the water volume carried through the AST for a given diameter, combined with minimizing efficiency losses due to bypass flow and friction. The key feasibility issues associated with producing the composite blades will be to understand the strength, fatigue, and wear performance of the AST blades and associated components, and how these factors change along the length of the turbine. To get to this understanding of material property requirements, Percheron needs free-surface computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models of the AST designs and to perform interactive modeling between the turbine blade optimization and component design based on finite element method stress analysis (FEA). The workscope and analyses requested by Percheron in the Small Business Voucher (SBV) program are well aligned with PNNL capability and recent work experience in performing CFD and FEA analysis for hydropower and marine energy turbines , . The CFD analysis will provide estimates of power, efficiency, and surface forces on the blades. The forces on the blade will be transferred to the FEA analysis that will be used to evaluate the material stresses. The CFD and FEA analyses will be repeated for different AST designs provided to PNNL by Percheron. The work conducted in this SBV project will complement the existing Percheron FOA project by providing better defined parameters for design and material selection for the turbine unit prior to manufacture of initial test units.Published: July 26, 2024