Peptoid-Induced Acceleration of Carbonate Mineralization
Research identifies the mechanisms through which peptoids affect ions in solution and a mineral surface, increasing the rate of carbonate crystal growth

Peptoids can lead to faster carbonate mineralization on a calcite surface.
(Image by Nathan Johnson | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
The Science
Mimicking the ability of marine organisms, such as corals, to create calcium carbonate (CaCO3) represents a potential mechanism for energy-efficient carbon dioxide (CO2) removal from the environment. Researchers explored how to use peptoids, synthetic molecules that mimic naturally occurring peptides, to promote carbonate mineralization. They identified how peptoid interactions with a calcite surface and solvated growth species alter crystal growth processes. The team found that the peptoids alter the structure of the mineral surface and the overlying solution and increase the reaction rates of ions in solution, resulting in faster mineralization.
The Impact
The extensive deposits of CaCO3 generated by marine organisms constitute the largest and oldest CO2 reservoir on Earth. These organisms use macromolecules like peptides and proteins to create carbonate minerals, effectively removing CO2 from the environment. By understanding how biomimetic molecules alter the carbonate mineralization process, researchers can develop a set of principles to design materials and structures that enable more effective mineralization.
Marine organisms create CaCO3 in part from CO2 found in the atmosphere. This mineralization process represents an avenue for highly stable long-term carbon sequestration, inspired by biology. However, the molecular mechanisms behind the mineralization are largely unknown.
Researchers explored how peptoids, a class of sequence-defined peptide mimetics, could accelerate calcite growth. The peptoid design was inspired by the chemistries of the proteins and peptides involved in natural biological carbonate mineralization. The synthesized peptoids have a diblock structure of hydrophobic and charged hydrophilic groups, which are highly effective in accelerating calcite growth. The peptoids can facilitate HCO₃⁻ deprotonation and Ca²⁺ desolvation as well as disrupt the calcite surface hydration structure, thereby lowering the energy barrier for ion attachment and promoting calcite crystal growth. These results provide predictive design principles that can be used to improve efficiency and sustainability in various applications, including CO₂ sequestration and other energy-related applications.
Chun-Long Chen, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
This work was mainly supported by the Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division, Biomolecular Materials program under award FWP 80124 at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements were conducted at the Molecular Foundry of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which was supported by the Office of Science (No. DE-AC02-05CH11231). PNNL is a multi-program national laboratory operated for DOE by Battelle under Contract No. DE-AC05-76RL01830.
Published: October 29, 2024
Zhang M., Y. Chen, C. Wu, R. Zheng, Y. Xia, E. Saccuzzo, and T. Trinh, et al. 2024. "A Molecular View of Peptoid-Induced Acceleration of Calcite Growth." PNAS, 121 (45) e2412358121. [DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2412358121]