Tensor methods have gained increasingly attention from various applications, including machine learning, quantum chemistry, healthcare analytics, social network analysis, data mining, and signal processing, to name a few. Sparse tensors and their algorithms become critical to further improve the performance of these methods and enhance the interpretability of their output. This work presents a sparse tensor algorithm benchmark suite (PASTA) for single- and multi-core CPUs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first benchmark suite for sparse tensor world. PASTA targets on: 1) helping application users to evaluate different computer systems using its representative computational workloads; 2) providing insights to better utilize existed computer architecture and systems and inspiration for the future design. This benchmark suite will be publicly released.
Revised: February 6, 2020 |
Published: August 5, 2019
Li J., Y. Ma, X. Wu, A. Li, and K.J. Barker. 2019.PASTA: A Parallel Sparse Tensor Algorithm Benchmark Suite.CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing 1, no. 2:111-130.PNNL-SA-140675.doi:10.1007/s42514-019-00012-w