October 1, 2004
Journal Article

Ordered Ternary Compounds of the Rare Earth Sesquisulfides


Intermediate compositions were investigated in eight Ln2S3–Ln’2S3 systems and reaction products characterized by Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectra are reported for the ordered structures reported in earlier literature. Based on the Raman spectra, LaLuS3, previously reported as isostructural with LaDyS3 (the I-type structure) is actually a new ordered compound. It was indexed on an orthorhombic cell with a = 7.304, b = 6.659 and c = 9.817 Å. A second previously unreported compound, Dy3ScS6, was identified by its Raman spectrum. Sharp Raman lines with a unique arrangement for each structure type, indicated that the ternary rare earth sulfides are well-ordered structures.

Revised: March 1, 2005 | Published: October 1, 2004


Dresel P., and W.B. White. 2004. Ordered Ternary Compounds of the Rare Earth Sesquisulfides. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177, no. 11:4142-4148. PNNL-SA-41206.