October 18, 2020
Conference Paper

OpenCGRA: An Open-Source Unified Framework for Modeling,Testing, and Evaluating CGRAs


Coarse-grained reconfigurable arrays (CGRAs),loosely defined as arrays of functional units (e.g, adder, sub-tractor, multiplier, divider, or larger multi-operation units, butsmaller than a general-purpose core) interconnected through aNetwork-on-Chip, provide higher flexibility than domain-specificASIC accelerators while offering increased hardware efficiencywith respect to fine-grained reconfigurable devices, such as FieldProgrammable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The fast evolving fieldsof machine learning and edge computing, which are seeing acontinuous flow of novel algorithms and larger models, makeCGRAs ideal target architectures to allow domain specializationwithout loosing too much generality. They also generally offerquicker and more effective reconfigurability than FPGAs, po-tentially allowing adaptation during actual algorithm execution,and implement a dataflow programming paradigm that adaptswell to these emerging workloads. Designing and generating aCGRA, however, still requires to define the type and number ofthe specific functional units, implement their interconnect andthe network topology, and perform its simulation and validation,given a variety of workloads of interest.In this paper, we propose OpenCGRA, a Python-based unifiedframework that integrates generation, modeling, testing and eval-uation for CGRAs. OpenCGRA is the first open-source integratedframework able to support the full top-to-bottom design flow forspecializing and implementing CGRAs: modeling at different ab-straction levels (functional level, cycle level, register-transfer level),generation, simulation, testing at different granularities (unit test-ing, integration testing, property-based testing), and characteriza-tion (area, power, and timing). OpenCGRAs will be made availableon GitHub.

Revised: January 19, 2021 | Published: October 18, 2020


Tan C., C. Xie, A. Li, K.J. Barker, and A. Tumeo. 2020. OpenCGRA: An Open-Source Unified Framework for Modeling,Testing, and Evaluating CGRAs. In IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2020), October 18-21, 2020, 381-388. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-152863. doi:10.1109/ICCD50377.2020.00070