May 7, 2021
Journal Article

Observation of Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect and Exchange Interaction in Topological Insulator/Antiferromagnet Heterostructure


Integration of a quantum anomalous Hall insulator with a magnetically ordered material provides an additional degree of freedom through which the resulting exotic quantum states can be controlled. Here, an experimental observation is reported of the quantum anomalous Hall e?ect in a magnet-ically-doped topological insulator grown on the antiferromagnetic insulator Cr?O?. The exchange coupling between the two materials is investigated using ?eld-cooling-dependent magnetometry and polarized neutron re?ec-tometry. Both techniques reveal strong interfacial interaction between the antiferromagnetic order of the Cr?O? and the magnetic topological insulator, manifested as an exchange bias when the sample is ?eld-cooled under an out-of-plane magnetic ?eld, and an exchange spring-like magnetic depth pro?le when the system is magnetized within the ?lm plane. These results identify antiferromagnetic insulators as suitable candidates for the manipula-tion of magnetic and topological order in topological insulator ?lms.

Published: May 7, 2021


Pan L., A. Grutter, P. Zhang, X. Che, T. Nozaki, A. Stern, and M. Street, et al. 2020. Observation of Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect and Exchange Interaction in Topological Insulator/Antiferromagnet Heterostructure. Advanced Materials 32, no. 34:2001460. PNNL-SA-162039. doi:10.1002/adma.202001460