June 30, 2023
Journal Article

A Novel Modular, Reconfigurable Battery Energy Storage System: Design, Control, and Experimentation


This paper presents a novel modular, reconfigurable battery energy storage system. The proposed design is characterized by a tight integration of reconfigurable power switches and DC/DC converters. This characteristic enables isolation of faulty cells from the system and allows fine power control for individual cells toward optimal system-level performance. An optimal power management approach is developed to extensively exploit the merits of the proposed design. Based on receding-horizon convex optimization, this approach aims to minimize the total power losses in charging/discharging while allocating the power in line with each cell’s condition to achieve state of-charge (SoC) and temperature balancing. By appropriate design, the approach manages to regulate the power of a cell across its full SoC range and guarantee the feasibility of the optimization problem. We perform extensive simulations and further develop a lab-scale prototype to validate the proposed system design and power management approach.

Published: June 30, 2023


Farakhor A., D. Wu, Y. Wang, and H. Fang. 2023. A Novel Modular, Reconfigurable Battery Energy Storage System: Design, Control, and Experimentation. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 9, no. 2:2878-2890. PNNL-SA-174130. doi:10.1109/TTE.2022.3223993