October 22, 2024
Conference Paper

Modeling In-Reactor Temperature Gradients in Lithium Aluminate Ceramic Pellets


In reactor thermal performance of lithium aluminate ceramic pellets are calculated to determine operating temperatures if internal components shift during irradiation. A 2D conduction model was setup to model this scenario with additional physics, including thermal expansion of components to reactor temperatures, creep down of the cladding due to differential pressure between the inside of the rod and reactor coolant system, and net radiation exchange between components. The non-linear coupling of the governing equations presented convergence challenges due to the very different effects from a small temperature change on the radiation vs radial and circumferential conduction equations. Initial temperature guesses for the multidimensional solution were provided from conservative 1D models simulating bounding scenarios. Convergence was greatly improved by taking small steps towards the root solutions and averaging with initial guesses. The final method robustly converged all 132 points at an axial plane after a few dozen iterations. The temperature results show that the additional physics have a secondary effect as the dominant heat transfer mechanism is radial conduction across the gas gap followed by circumferential conduction around components. Circumferential conduction in the lithium aluminate pellets is enhanced by the relatively high thermal conductivity of this ceramic.

Published: October 22, 2024


Carstens N.A., M. Azuma, and R.O. Gates. 2024. Modeling In-Reactor Temperature Gradients in Lithium Aluminate Ceramic Pellets. In International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2024), June 16-19, 2024, Las Vegas, NV, 798-807. Westmont, Illinois:American Nuclear Society. PNNL-SA-197811.

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