May 20, 2021
Book Chapter

Micro- and nano-scale techniques to explore bacteria and fungi interactions with silicate minerals


Biogeochemical interfaces such as bacteria-mineral, fungi-mineral, and water-mineral are hot spots for important processes and reactions in all environments. Studying these interfaces are useful over a range of spatial and temporal scales in order to understand elemental cycles, soil formation, restoration, and bioremediation. Advancement of micro- and nano-scale techniques lead to new discoveries about reactions and interactions at the heterogeneous interface of bacteria, fungi, and minerals. The current state-of-art of analytical techniques allows to study solid, liquid, and gas phases and their interactions with biological components and often permits simultaneous study of chemical and physical properties in a site-specific manner. Improved techniques not only increased spatial and temporal resolution with site specificity but also decreased sample preparation, artifact generation, sample size requirements and analytical time. There are limitations and challenges that still need to be overcome while studying the very heterogeneous microbe-mineral interface, but improved accessibility to beam time at the synchrotron facilities and instrument time at the user laboratories offer some solutions. This review chapter focuses on a subset of the available micro- and nano-scale techniques: electron and atomic force microscopy, and X-ray based spectroscopy of traditional and synchrotron-based applications.

Published: May 20, 2021


Balogh-Brunstad Z., K. Smart, A. Dohnalkova, L. Saccone, and M.M. Smits. 2020. Micro- and nano-scale techniques to explore bacteria and fungi interactions with silicate minerals. In Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact. Geophysical Monograph Series, edited by K. Dontsova, Z. Balogh-Brunstad and G Le Roux. 81-101. Hoboken, New Jersey:American Geophysical Union and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. PNNL-SA-138447. doi:10.1002/9781119413332.ch4