November 18, 2024
Metal Scrap Upcycling with Shear Assisted Processing and Extrusion (ShAPE)
The overarching objective of this project is to convert metal scraps, such as aluminum, titanium, and other alloys provided by the industry, into extruded tubing, wires, and rods. Upcycling of scrap will be accomplished using Shear Assisted Processing and Extrusion (ShAPE). This approach is a new solution for recycling. The specific aims of this project are as follows: 1. Receive metal scrap under a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), in the form of billets, from select industry partners that meet the following requirements: outer diameter of 1.245 inches (+/-0.003 inches), inner diameter drilled with a 0.404-inch drill bit, and a length of 4.0 inches (+/-0.01 inches). The billet must be cast or compacted to greater than 98% density. If the industry partner does not have the capabilities to prepare the billets, PNNL can make introductions to third-party entities as needed. Industry partners will also provide a composition analysis as weight percent. 2. Extrude metal scrap via the ShAPE process at PNNL. 3. Evaluate and benchmark the extrudate material properties per the ASTM B557-15 – Testing Tubulars Standard or similar wire and rod standards. 4. Characterize the extrudate microstructure for any of the following: grain size, second phase composition, and texture. Additional testing may include corrosion per the ASTM B117 standard and electro-potential. 5. Deliver specimens to industry partners under an MTA for additional third-party evaluations. Industry partners will, in return, provide a non-proprietary report on any testing, including testing per the ASTM B557-15, ASTM B117, and other industry standards. 6. PNNL will develop data and insights to support intellectual property capture, a published non-proprietary technical report, research collaborations, and commercialization opportunities.Published: November 18, 2024