July 31, 2024
Conference Paper

Meshfree Process Modeling and Experimental Validation of Friction Riveting of Aluminum 5052 to Aluminum 6061


Friction riveting (Fric-riveting) is an innovative, fast, and energy-efficient process for spot-joining metal-metal structures. Although fric-riveting has been studied experimentally in recent years, its process modeling is rarely found in the literature primarily because of the associated large material deformation, extreme thermomechanical conditions, and complex contact conditions. In this work, a mesh-free smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) framework that can well handle the abovementioned numerical challenges is used to simulate the fric-riveting of AA5052 to AA6061. Predicted material morphology, multi-point temperatures, and plunge force are thoroughly validated by experimental observations. The material severe plastic deformation zone in the vicinity of the riveting zone is further predicted by the SPH model, which indicates the material mixing and potential grain refinement zone. Based on the validated model, process parameters can be optimized which yields better performance over the baseline case.

Published: July 31, 2024


Li L., M. Pole, H. Das, S. Niverty, M. Reza E Rabby, J. Fernandez dos Santos, and A. Soulami. 2024. Meshfree Process Modeling and Experimental Validation of Friction Riveting of Aluminum 5052 to Aluminum 6061. In Light Metals 2024: Proceedings of the Light Metals Symposium held at the TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, March 3-7, 2024, Orlando, FL, edited by S. Wagstaff, 298–305. PNNL-SA-189749. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-50308-5_39