January 11, 2025

Materials Scorecards, Phase 1: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology


This report presents preliminary material score cards (Phase 1) based on a survey of industry experts and the limited literature available on the state of advanced manufacturing of materials for nuclear applications. Seven reactor types were considered, and the data is presented in tabular form. The caveat is that the scores are based on limited data and expert judgement. Considerable work remains to be done to prioritize materials for advanced manufacturing to support existing and advanced reactors. A central database of processing conditions, resulting microstructure, post processing, properties, and performance of these materials is needed to support the accelerated adoption of advanced manufacturing by the industry.

Published: January 11, 2025


Hartmann T., and R. Devanathan. 2021. Materials Scorecards, Phase 1: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.