February 28, 2023
MAPLE LEAF Adaptive UFLS Platform Requirements and Conceptual Design
This document introduces the requirements, specifications, and conceptual design for a standards-based data integration and co-simulation platform for the MAPLE LEAF project to help accelerate development, testing, and integration of an adaptive UFLS application. Detailed operational requirements, functional requirements, and performance specifications are listed and grouped by core platform capabilities of 1) Representation of power system network data using the CIM and other standards 2) Aggregation, correlation, and synthesis of disparate timeseries data streams from multiple electric utilities using standards-based modeling and interfaces 3) Real-time, large-scale, quasi-static transmission simulation with possible extensions to combined transmission-distribution co-simulation leveraging consistent data representation enabled by usage of CIM and other standards 4) Support for shared IT / OT services and managers reused by multiple applications 5) Hosting of advanced applications operating in centralized, hierarchical, and distributed architectures with automated self-registration, authentication, and runtime execution The outlined requirements are used to derive an initial conceptual design and distributed architecture concept for the SBP and interfaces to external devices and software systems for a cloud-based testbed and possible operational deployments.Published: February 28, 2023