April 1, 2023
Journal Article
Machine Learning Models for Predicting Molecular UV-Vis Spectra with Quantum Mechanical Properties
Accurate understanding of Ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectra is critical for highthroughput design of compounds for drug discovery. Experimentally determining UV–Vis spectra can become expensive when dealing with a large quantity of novel molecules. This provides us an opportunity to drive computational advances in molecular property predictions using quantum mechanics and machine learning. In this work, we use both Quantum Mechanically (QM) predicted and measured UV–Vis spectra as input to modify four different machine learning architectures: UVvis-SchNet, UVvis- DTNN, UVvis-Transformer, and UVvis-MPNN. We find that the UVvis-MPNN model outperforms the other models when using optimized 3D coordinates and QM predicted spectra as input features. This model has the highest performance for predicting UVVisible spectra with a training RMSE of 0.06 and validation RMSE of 0.08.Published: April 1, 2023