August 6, 2024
Book Chapter

Machine learning-driven descriptions of protein dynamics at solid-liquid interfaces


This chapter has described how ML has enabled quantitative analysis of HS-AFM data to discover the physical phenomena governing protein dynamics and ordering at solid-liquid interfaces. The research detailed in this chapter modeled the rotation models of protein nanorods, the discovery of which would otherwise not be possible. By tracking the trajectories of individual protein rods from frame to frame, it was possible to model Brownian type motion and behaviors and Levy-flight dynamics that had not previously been shown. We also described the application of the Python package AtomAI, which has been developed specifically to analyze and extract physical phenomena, providing exemplar code for training an ensemble of deep neural networks to produce the semantic segmentation of AFM data and functions for encoding and decoding local environments. We last described a combinatorial approach to analyze very noisy data with a densely covered substrate where the emergence of order for the protein liquid crystals could be elucidated. By combining the methods from Case 1 and 2, it was possible to obtain the center of mass and angle for each rod in the images and track the assembly of the rods over time into a 2D liquid crystal array on the surface of mica.

Published: August 6, 2024


Stegmann A., B.A. Legg, J.J. De Yoreo, and S. Zhang. 2024. Machine learning-driven descriptions of protein dynamics at solid-liquid interfaces. In Machine learning and artificial intelligence in chemical and biological sensing, edited by J.Y. Yoon and C. Yu. 321-340. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:Elsevier Science. PNNL-SA-194353. doi:10.1016/B978-0-443-22001-2.00013-5

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