A deep neural network was developed for the purpose of predicting thermal conductivity with a case study performed on irradiated nuclear fuel. Traditional thermal conductivity modeling approaches rely on existing theoretical frameworks that describe known, relevant phenomena that govern the microstructural evolution processes during neutron irradiation (such as recrystallization, and pore size, distribution and morphology). Current empirical modeling approaches, however, do not represent all irradiation test data well. Here, we develop a machine learning approach to thermal conductivity modeling that does not require a priori knowledge of a specific material microstructure and system of interest. Our approach allows re-searchers to probe dependency of thermal conductivity on a variety of reactor operating and material conditions. The purpose of building such a model is to allow for improved predictive capabilities linking structure-property-processing-performance relationships in the system of interest (here, irradiated nuclear fuel), which could lead to improved experimental test planning and characterization. The uranium-molybdenum system is the fuel system studied in this work, and historic irradiation test data is leveraged for model development. Our model achieved a mean absolute percent error of approximately 10%. Results indicate our model generalizes well to never before seen data, and thus use of deep learning methods for material property predictions from limited, historic irradiation data is a viable approach. This work challenges the current paradigm in materials science, where material property models are based on limited experimental data fitted to low-dimensionality phenomenological models, or by simulations in which fundamental equations are explicitly solved. The work presented here aims to demonstrate the potential and limitations of machine learning in the field of materials science and material property modeling.
Revised: May 28, 2019 |
Published: April 15, 2019
Kautz E.J., A.R. Hagen, J.M. Johns, and D. Burkes. 2019.A machine learning approach to thermal conductivity modeling: A case study on irradiated uranium-molybdenum nuclear fuels.Computational Materials Science 161.PNNL-SA-138923.doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.01.044