January 19, 2023
Journal Article
Luminescence dosimetry for evaluation of the external exposure in Metlino, upper Techa River valley, Southern Urals, Russia: Analysis of new results
Luminescence dosimetry was applied in the former settlement of Metlino, Southern Urals, Russia as part of a full-scale study to validate the Techa River Dosimetry System (TRDS) 2016 for the upper Techa River region. The village, which was evacuated in 1956, was located 7 km downstream of the release point of liquid radioactive waste by the Mayak plutonium facility. Several brick samples were taken from north-eastern and south-eastern walls of the granary, facing the former Techa river shoreline and floodplain. Samples were all taken at the same height and measured at different depths into the brick. For the majority of brick samples, good Optically Stimulated Luminescence properties of the quartz grains were observed. In some cases, however, strong levels of sensitization and/or signal recuperation were encountered which necessitated adjustment in the measurement protocols. Anthropogenic doses in bricks varied from 1.5 to 6.6 Gy and the horizontal profiles along both walls showed significant variation, which is explained on a qualitative basis. A dose depth profile is observed for selected samples, which is different from the dose depth profile measured and simulated for samples from the north-western wall of the granary in previous studies. This is qualitatively explained by the differences in source configuration.Published: January 19, 2023