January 13, 2023
Conference Paper

Learning Stochastic Parametric Differentiable Predictive Control Policies


We present a scalable unsupervised learning-based method for obtaining explicit control policies for model predictive control problems for stochastic linear systems with additive uncertainties subject to nonlinear chance constraints. We call the proposed method stochastic parametric differentiable predictive control (SP-DPC), which extends the recently proposed deterministic DPC policy optimization algorithm. We formulate the SP-DPC as a deterministic approximation to the stochastic parametric constrained optimal control problem via independent sampling of the problem's parameters and uncertainties. This formulation allows us to directly compute the policy gradients via automatic differentiation of the problem's value function, evaluated over sampled parameters and uncertainties. In particular, the computed expectation of the problem's value function is backpropagated through the finite-time closed-loop system rollouts parametrized by a known nominal system dynamics model and neural control policy. We also provide theoretical probabilistic guarantees on closed-loop stability and chance constraints satisfaction for systems controlled by learned neural policies. We demonstrate the computational efficiency and scalability of the proposed policy optimization algorithm in three numerical examples, including systems with a large number of states or subject to nonlinear constraints.

Published: January 13, 2023


Drgona J., S. Mukherjee, A.R. Tuor, M. Halappanavar, and D.L. Vrabie. 2022. Learning Stochastic Parametric Differentiable Predictive Control Policies. In 10th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND 2022), August 30 - September 2, 2022, Kyoto, Japan. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55, 121 - 126. Amsterdam:Elsevier. PNNL-SA-170144. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.334