September 19, 2023
Conference Paper

Learning Distributed Geometric Koopman Operator for Sparse Networked Dynamical Systems


Koopman operator theory provides an alternative to study nonlinear networked dynamical systems by mapping the state space to an abstract higher dimensional space where the system evolution is linear. Recent works show the application of graph neural networks (GNNs) to learn state to object-centric embeddings and achieve centralized block-wise computation of Koopman operator (KO) under additional assumptions on the underlying agents properties and constraints on the KO structure. However, the computational complexity of learning the Koopman increases exponentially for networked systems where the number of possible system states grows in a combinatorial fashion with the number of nodes. The learning challenge is further amplified for sparse networks by two factors: 1) sample sparsity for learning the Koopman operator in the non-linear space, and 2) the divergence in the dynamics of individual nodes or from one subgraph to another. Our work aims to address these challenge by formulating the representation learning of networked dynamical systems into a multi-agent paradigm and learning the Koopman operator in a distributive manner. The computational as well as performance advantages of distributed Koopman is predominant for sparse networks whereas for fully connected networks, it is shown to coincide with the centralized one. The empirical study on rope system, network of oscillators and a synthetic power system show comparable and superior performance along with computational benefits with the state-of-the-art methods.

Published: September 19, 2023


Mukherjee S., S. Nandanoori, S. Guan, K. Agarwal, S. Sinha, S. Kundu, and S. Pal, et al. 2022. Learning Distributed Geometric Koopman Operator for Sparse Networked Dynamical Systems. In First Learning on Graphs Conference (LoG 2022), December 9-12, 2022, Virtual, Online. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 198, 1-17. Maastricht:ML Research Press. PNNL-SA-173554.

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